Save Sangihe Island
Gerakan masyarakat menolak keras tambang emas oleh PT Tambang Mas Sangihe di tanah Sangihe #SaveSangiheIsland
APA YAng TErjadi di Kepulauan Sangihe?
Bahasa Indonesia
Kita patut bersyukur karena dikelilingi oleh kekayaan alam berlimpah yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Termasuk diantaranya Kepulauan Sangihe, pulau kecil di Sulawesi Utara yang memiliki kekayaan alam yang sangat besar. Alam bawah lautnya kaya akan koleksi keindahan terumbu karang dan keberagaman ikannya. Terlebih laut Sangihe dijadikan lumbung ikan nasional terutama jenis ikan tuna, tongkol dan cakalang atau TTC. Sementara, tanah daratannya, terdapat aneka jenis flora dan fauna yang tak kalah memikat bahkan tak jarang diantaranya merupakan hewan endemik yang artinya tidak ditemukan di kawasan lainnya. Salah satunya adalah burung Manu Niu, burung biru cantik.Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe juga dikelilingi oleh berbagai macam gunung. Gunung Banua Wuhu misalnya, yang terletak di sebelah barat Pulau Mahengetang dengan ketinggian kurang lebih 400 meter dari dasar laut. Ada juga Gunung Sahendaruman yang merupakan habitat burung Manu Niu.Sayangnya, kekayaan sumber daya alam itu kini terancam dengan kehadiran pertambangan emas PT. Tambang Mas Sangihe (PT. TMS). Dengan izin konsesi yang akan mencaplok setengah luas dari pulau Sangihe yang mengakibatkan ancaman kerusakan lingkungan, pencemaran, kemiskinan, dan masalah lainnya membayangi kehidupan masyarakat Kepulauan Sangihe. Setidaknya ada sekitar 80 desa dan 7 kecamatan yang menjadi wilayah dalam izin konsesi tersebut.Keberadaan PT. TMS tentu saja mendapatkan penolakan dari masyarakat Kepulauan Sangihe, masyarakat masih terus melawan dari berbagai cara baik litigasi maupun non litigasi. Termasuk Wakil Bupati Kepulauan Sangihe, alm. Helmud Hontong yang dengan tegas menolak keberadaan PT. TMS untuk beroperasi di Kepulauan Sangihe. Masyarakat meyakini bahwa kehadiran pertambangan PT. TMS ini dapat merusak lingkungan, mengganggu pekerjaan mereka sebagai petani dan nelayan, dan lebih jauh lagi dapat mengancam tradisi dan budaya di masyarakat. Hal ini diperparah dengan dugaan tindakan maladministratif seperti penawaran harga tanah sewenang-wenang, minimnya partisipasi publik dalam perencanaan AMDAL dan Izin Usaha Pertambangan. Lisensi pertambangan pun menyalahi aturan mengenai peraturan Undang-undang (UU) No.1 tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Nomor 27 Tahun 2007 Tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil, di mana wilayah Sangihe merupakan pulau kecil dengan ukuran kurang dari 2000 km2 sehingga tidak boleh ditambang. Serta wilayah konsesi penambangan berada di kawasan rawan bencana yang bisa mengancam banyak nyawa.
Seruan Lawan Penjajahan!
Selamatkan Sangihe Ikekendage!Di tahun 2023 perjuangan gerakan Selamatkan Sangihe Ikekendage (SSI) berhasil membatalkan Izin Operasi Produksi milik PT Tambang Mas Sangihe dengan konsesi seluas 42.000 hektar melalui pengadilan. Maka perusahaan ini tidak diperbolehkan oleh hukum melakukan kegiatan pertambangan. Namun perusahaan PT TMS berdalih mereka masih memiliki kontrak karya dengan Menteri ESDM-RI yang ditandatangani 17 Maret 1997 seluas 80.080 hektar. Dengan alasan Kontrak Karya tersebut, PT TMS memberikan kontrak kepada pengusaha lokal untuk menambang, padahal tidak diperbolehkan oleh hukum (tanpa Izin Usaha Pertambangan/Pasal 158 UU No. 3 Tahun 2020) untuk melakukan usaha pertambangan di Pulau Sangihe. Saat ini para mafia tambang tanpa izin (IUP) beralasan Kontrak Karya PT TMS menambang menggunakan puluhan excavator dengan meluluhlantakan kawasan Tanah Mahamu di Bowone yang mengakibatkan kerusakan lingkungan yang luar biasa. Dalam keadaan ini Aparat Penegak Hukum tutup mata, Pemerintah Kabupaten Sangihe menyatakan tidak berwenang untuk menertibkan. Lalu siapa yang harus bertanggung-jawab?Seperti diketahui, pertambangan emas berakibat fatal terhadap Pulau Sangihe dan kehidupan di atasnya. Salah satu isi Kontrak Karya pada Pasal 18 dinyatakan Pemerintah akan membantu perusahaan agar setiap warga di pulau Sangihe kapan saja bisa dipindahkan dari wilayahnya untuk menempati wilayah baru jika wilayah tersebut digunakan PT TMS untuk pertambangan emas. Artinya, demi kepentingan pertambangan PT TMS, siapa saja beserta harta bendanya akan digusur dari kampung halamannya. Ini jelas melanggar nilai kemanusiaan! Melanggar konstitusi negara, UUD 1945!Masyarakat Sangihe dijadikan objek perjanjian tanpa sepengetahuan dan tanpa persetujuan masyarakat Sangihe. Ini nyata-nyata adalah perampasan hak hidup, melawan hukum, dan merupakan pengusiran rakyat Sangihe dari tanah tumpah darahnya. Rakyat Sangihe bukanlah boneka yang dapat dipermainkan oleh mafia tambang! Kami tidak akan diam!Dalam rangka perlawanan mempertahankan kehidupan, saat ini SSI telah mengajukan gugatan perbuatan melawan hukum di Pengadilan Negeri Tahuna yang di register perkara nomor 117/Pdt.G/2023PN.Thn atas ditunjuknya wakil palsu masyarakat sebagai anggota komisi penilai AMDAL PT. TMS—dan tuntutan pembatalan Kontrak Karya di Sangihe. Ada 57 warga Sangihe terpanggil menyelamatkan kehidupan seluruh rakyat Sangihe dan masa depan Sangihe dengan menggugat PT. TMS dan Menteri ESDM RI.MARI KAWAL BERSAMA PERKARA INI
Selamatkan ruang hidup orang Sangihe!
Lawan penjajahan dan diskriminasi oleh Negara,
Sangihe adalah bagian dari NKRI!
We (as people who live in Indonesia) should be grateful for the abundant natural resources that spread across the whole country of Indonesia. Which also includes Sangihe Island, a small island that's located in the North Sulawesi that is rich in natural resources. The sea has a beautiful collection of coral reefs and has a huge variety of fish which also the sea area is used as a national fish barn, especially for tuna and skipjack tuna. Meanwhile, on the mainland, there are various types of flora and fauna that are no less captivating-- frequently some of them are endemic, which means they are not found in other areas. One of them is the Manu Niu bird, a beautiful blue bird.Sangihe Islands Regency is also surrounded by various kinds of mountains. Mount Banua Wuhu, for example, is located in the west of Mahengetang Island with an altitude of approximately 400 meters from the seabed. There is also Mount Sahendaruman which is the habitat of the Manu Niu bird.Unfortunately, these natural resources are now threatened by the presence of gold mining corporation PT. Tambang Mas Sangihe. With a concession permit that will take up half of the island of Sangihe, that will create environmental damage, pollution, poverty, and other problems looms over the lives of the people of the Sangihe Islands. There are at least 80 villages and 7 sub-districts that are included in the concession permit (that will be destroyed).The existence of PT. TMS, of course, gets rejection from the people of the Sangihe Islands, the community still continues to resist in various ways, both through litigation and non-litigation options. the Deputy Regent of the Sangihe Islands, the late Helmud Hontong also firmly rejected the existence of PT. TMS to operate in the Sangihe Islands. The community believes in the presence of PT. TMS can damage their environment, interfere with their work as farmers and fishermen, and can further threaten the traditions and culture in the community. This is exacerbated by allegations of maladministration actions such as arbitrarily offering land prices, minimal public participation in AMDAL planning and Mining Business Permits. The mining license also violates the regulation of Law (UU) No.1 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law No. 27 of 2007 concerning Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands, where the Sangihe area is a small island with a size of less than 2000 km2 so it should not be mined. Mining concession areas are also located in disaster-prone areas that can threaten many lives.
Call to Oppose Colonization!
Save Sangihe Island!In the year 2023, the struggle of the Save Sangihe Ikekendage (SSI) movement successfully annulled the Production Operation Permit of PT Tambang Mas Sangihe with a concession covering 42,000 hectares through the court. Thus, this company is not legally allowed to engage in mining activities. However, PT TMS argues that they still have a working contract with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia, signed on March 17, 1997, covering an area of 80,080 hectares. Based on this Contract of Work, PT TMS has awarded contracts to local entrepreneurs for mining, even though it is not legally permitted (without Mining Business License/Article 158 Law No. 3 of 2020) to carry out mining operations on Sangihe Island. Currently, unauthorized mining mafias justify their activities under the Contract of Work of PT TMS, using dozens of excavators to devastate the Tanah Mahamu area in Bowone, causing tremendous environmental damage. In this situation, Law Enforcement turns a blind eye, and the Sangihe Regency Government claims not to have the authority to enforce order. So, who should be held accountable?As known, gold mining has fatal consequences for Sangihe Island and its inhabitants. Article 18 of the Contract of Work states that the Government will assist the company so that any resident of Sangihe Island can be relocated at any time to a new area if PT TMS uses the area for gold mining. In other words, for the benefit of PT TMS mining, anyone and their possessions will be evicted from their homeland. This clearly violates human rights! It violates the country's constitution, the 1945 Constitution!The people of Sangihe are made subjects of an agreement without the knowledge and consent of the Sangihe community. This is undoubtedly a confiscation of the right to life, a violation of the law, and the expulsion of the people of Sangihe from their ancestral land. The people of Sangihe are not puppets to be manipulated by mining mafias! We will not remain silent!In the resistance to defend life, SSI has filed a lawsuit against unlawful actions in the Tahuna District Court, registered as case number 117/Pdt.G/2023PN.Thn for the appointment of false representatives of the community as members of the Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL) commission for PT. TMS—and the demand for the cancellation of the Contract of Work in Sangihe. Fifty-seven residents of Sangihe are called upon to save the lives of all Sangihe people and the future of Sangihe by suing PT. TMS and the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia.LET US MONITOR THIS CASE TOGETHER
Save the living space of the people of Sangihe!
Oppose colonization and discrimination by the State,
Sangihe is part of the Republic of Indonesia!
Bahasa Sangihe
The death of Sangihe Regency Deputy Regent Helmud Hontong on an aeroplane last July caused a national stir. This happened because he died after expressing his opposition to the gold mining corporation (PT. TMS) in Sangihe. He said, "I strongly oppose the presence of PT. Tambang Mas Sangihe mine operating in Sangihe. Whatever the reason, I am on the side of the people. Because the people elected me as their deputy regent". PT . Tambang Mas Sangihe was granted a permit by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, which caused serious legal problems, such as the non-participation of the community in the preparation of the Amdal (Environmental Impact Assessment), the RKL (Environmental Management Plan) and the PT. TMS RPL (environmental monitoring plan). Mining will occupy 45 hectares of the Sangihe area or almost half of the Sangihe area. The area is inhabited by 58,000 indigenous people who live off the land and sea water. However, the corporation promised jobs and also compensation for the land.Sangihe is a small island with an area of 73,600 hectares. According to Law No. 1 of 2014 on the Management of Coastal and Small Islands, Sangihe cannot be mined. The coordinator of the local people's movement, Save Sangihe Island (SSI), believes that the operation of Tambang Mas Sangihe will change their environment and culture. To fight for their land, Save Sangihe Island (SSI), a people's movement, has chosen to go through the Jakarta Administrative Court and the Manado Administrative Court (Subregion).
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